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Our New Video on Sustainability Attributes vs. Impacts: How LCA Insights Help You Reduce Risk, Serve Customers Better

With ever-increasing interest in sustainability, companies serving both consumer and B-to-B markets often find it beneficial to highlight an attribute of a product, process, or piece of packaging that sounds good from a sustainability perspective.


What is LCA’s Role in Quantifying Social Justice?

Recent Black Lives Matter protests and the disproportionate impact of the coronavirus pandemic on minority populations have heightened societal awareness of systemic inequalities.


How O-LCA Can Identify Your Organization’s Most Effective Ways of Reducing Environmental Impact

Organizations seeking to reduce their environmental impact typically implement a range of different actions. They may focus on reducing emissions from employee commuting by encouraging carpooling, cycling, or (depending on pandemic conditions) use of public transportation or working from home.


A Request from Lise Laurin: Please Help Review the Newest Segment of the LCA Capability Roadmap

The Covid-19 pandemic is giving us all a good lesson in the importance of contributing to one’s community.


How To Get Better At Life Cycle Assessments (Seriously)

Knowledge is power, and any company pursuing more sustainable business practices needs to know the impact of its products at every stage—from raw materials to reuse, recycling or disposal.


Congratulations to Our Client HP, Chosen As America’s Most Responsible Company by Newsweek

News week magazine has just published its first report on America’s Most Responsible Companies, and we were delighted to see that our longtime client HP is number one!


EarthShift Global Analysts Study Colombia’s Move Away from Coca, Demonstrate Utility of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) for Policy Development

A hopeful new chapter in Colombia’s history opened in 2016, with the signing of a peace agreement between the Colombian government and the FARC guerrilla group.


LCA and the Circular Economy, Part 2: A Look at Reader Comments from Around the World

A few months ago, I shared some thoughts on Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and its relationship to the concept of the circular economy, with a particular focus on LCA’s potential for assessing the environmental impacts of recycling and other end-of-life actions.


How Can LCA Achieve Better Alignment with the Circular Economy?

We’ve been doing a lot of work and thinking about Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and its relationship to the concept of the circular economy.