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Thoughts on the New Green Deal: GND + GOP?

Anyone who knows what I do for a living will understand my interest in supporting policy aimed, at least in part, at reducing carbon emissions.


How Can LCA Achieve Better Alignment with the Circular Economy?

We’ve been doing a lot of work and thinking about Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and its relationship to the concept of the circular economy.


EarthShift Global’s Top Sustainability Conferences for 2019

As we dive into the new year, our team at EarthShift Global is more excited than ever to participate — as organizers, sponsors, speakers, and attendees — in several sustainability-focused conferences around America and around the world in 2019.


An Alternative for Interpreting Comparative LCAs: Try Ranking the Results Using Multi-Attribute Analysis

We’re proud to share a new publication from EarthShift Global senior analyst Valentina Prado.


Want to Fulfill A Basic Mission of Sustainable Business Thinking? Start Taking Litter into Account in Life Cycle Assessments

One of our principal missions as sustainability practitioners is to introduce broader perspective into business thinking, to reduce impacts and eliminate blind spots and “unknown unknowns.” Today I’d like to offer one small, simple piece of advice for doing this more effectively.


Business Ethics, Advocacy, and Sustainability: What Approach Should Companies Take?

I’ve had the pleasure this spring of participating in an ongoing Convet.it discussion panel, sponsored by the Accenture consulting firm, that’s exploring “the infusion of ethics into the retail environment.”


Integrate Employee Engagement into Your Sustainability Efforts

If you’re reading this blog, you’re probably part of a team that’s doing extraordinary things to achieve aggressive environmental sustainability goals. Whether your goal is zero landfill, energy independence, or carbon neutrality, I’d wager that you’ve already accomplished a lot and aim to accomplish much more.